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Why you should consider using structural steel in your building project

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Structural steel is a form of steel that is usually moulded into the form of I-beams to make the framework of a building. It is a popular choice in construction, for very good reasons. Here are some of the advantages of structural steel. 


The first advantage is that structural steel is a very strong material, much stronger than other traditional materials such as brick or stone. It has a high load-bearing capacity which means it can support a lot of weight. This makes it ideal for large structures such as multi-storey buildings and even skyscrapers. If the building's frame is too weak it can collapse under its own weight, so structural steel allows for much taller construction than other materials.

Low maintenance

A second benefit is that structural steel does not require much in the way of maintenance. Once it has been put in place it should not require any further attention. It is resistant to problems such as corrosion, mould or damage from pests, and will stay in shape once it has been manufactured. Many materials will need to be repaired or replaced during a building's lifetime, but structural steel should stay in its original condition.


Structural steel can also be cast into any shape necessary. Although it is usually used in beams that can be bolted together, it can just as easily be moulded into curved sections or other shapes. These shaped sections will be just as strong as straight beams. This allows for a high degree of individuality and creativity in designing and constructing a new building.


Finally, structural steel has a low carbon footprint compared to other building materials. Not only is it greener to produce but it is also fully recyclable at the end of the building's life. Most steel-producing plants are also much more careful about recycling nowadays and will re-use or recycle all the by-products of the production process. And the product itself is non-reactive, which means that it does not cause so many health and safety concerns as other materials. You can therefore use structural steel without having to worry about a negative impact on the environment.

Structural steel is a very strong material that is ideal for a wide variety of construction projects, without compromising your sustainability commitments. If you have any more questions, just talk to a structural steel fabrication company to learn about more of its benefits.
