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Why Commercial Cleaning Has Taken on Even More Relevance These Days

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If ever a specific service is in high demand these days, it has to be cleaning. After all, regular and effective cleaning has been touted as one of the key ways to beat COVID-19 and to keep people as safe as possible in the weeks and months ahead. So, as you may be restarting your business and bringing workers back from their home location, you need to ensure that everything is as spotless as possible. What do you need to know to upgrade your existing cleaning regimen and stay on top of this significant challenge?

Being Proactive

With COVID-19, prevention is better. This means that you need to be proactive and go beyond previously acceptable cleaning methods before.

The New Approach

Viruses can live on a surface for a certain amount of time, and bacteria can also hide in areas that may not get much attention. In this case, it's best to clean and disinfect the entire room, and this may involve fogging treatment in addition to the general cleaning approach.


You may never have considered this type of cleaning before as it is the type of thing that was previously reserved for high-risk areas like laboratories or hospitals. Nevertheless, you should now consider a regular fogging treatment using proprietary ingredients to disinfect the entire room after it is spotlessly clean.

Areas of Focus

When it comes to cleaning, pay close attention to any and all surfaces, especially the top of desks, keyboards, mice and mouse pads, telephone handsets, keypads and the sides of chairs. Doorframes and handles should receive additional attention, as should break areas and toilet or washroom facilities.

Education and Application

Make sure you educate your staff so they take responsibility for their own actions and help protect others as well. If they need to wear any personal protective equipment (PPE) like masks, ensure that this is vigorously enforced. Introduce a sterile container should staff and visitors need to get rid of masks or protective gloves, and then ensure that everything is disposed of in accordance with the regulations.

Outsourcing the Work

Cleaning can be a chore at the best of times, but it has now become increasingly important. Therefore, it's good to outsource the work to a qualified commercial cleaning contractor. They will be up-to-date with the latest regulations and will be able to clean and disinfect your entire facility to give you that crucial peace of mind. Contact a commercial cleaning service to learn more. 
