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Design Elements to Deliberate On for A Modern Custom Home Build

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While embarking on a custom home build project is a massive endeavour, having a clear vision for your new house coupled with working with the right custom home builder can go a long way in streamlining the entire process. But even as you have complete creative freedom on aspects such as the number and placement of bedrooms, the inclusion of amenities and so on, the integration of modern design into the new home will necessitate prioritising certain elements that fuse both form and function. Take note, modern house design is not merely about keeping the residence as minimalist as possible. Instead, here are a couple of design elements to deliberate on for a modern custom home build.

An open floor plan

In years past, the term open flor plan may have sounded like a buzz phrase that people in the real estate and construction industry threw about but as time goes on, this design element has proven that it is here to stay. A major reason why more and more people are gravitating towards open floorplans for their custom home builds is that this style accentuates space by eliminating walls. Thus, rather than have the different sections in your interiors enclosed, your custom home builder will go to great lengths to try and make them as interconnected as possible with subtle transitional areas that will add visual interest to the rooms. For example, employing different floor heights to distinguish one section from another without having to construct a wall to separate the two.

A shift to glass, steel and concrete

The design element of modern home design is a distinct shift to unconventional construction supplies, most commonly glass, steel and concrete. While there is nothing wrong with traditional construction materials such as timber and brick, the new-age building supplies are renowned for adding an industrial aesthetic to a property, which dramatically updates its appearance. Low-E toughened glass, for instance, should not be limited to windows. Instead, employing it as balustrading, internal architectural partitions, shower screens and so on enhances the amount of natural sunlight in the residence substantially. Concrete floor coupled with steel accents inside the house will add a contemporary undertone to the custom home build, without you having to fully commit to a minimalist residence.

Although there are too many to list, examples of other modern design elements that you should focus on when discussing the right features to integrate with your custom home builder include interconnected indoor and outdoor living spaces, flat roof design that will ensure a sleek appearance at the exterior of the house and so on.

For more information, reach out to a local custom home builder.
