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Tips on How to Care for Empire Grass

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Empire grass stands out among the grass species for being hardy and maintaining a beautiful green all year round. With its deep roots and dense growth, it proves to also be naturally weed-resistant and therefore ideal as lawn turf for residential homes, golf courses, and hotels. It is soft and easy to maintain since it grows slowly, requiring less mowing to stay neat and pleasant. Its dense and tight canopy leafy structure makes it ideal as it can choke out any competition. The following are tips on how to care for empire grass and maintain a beautiful lawn all year round.

Lawn Preparation 

Empire grass suppliers are usually forthcoming with information on weed removal, lawn preparation, and set-up before the actual planting of the empire grass. Given the dense growth of the empire grass, you will also need to know how much turf is required for the initial planting on your lawn.

Old grass

A neat and attractive lawn requires a similar type of grass to achieve an even and uniform look. Empire grass suppliers can be helpful in providing solutions on the removal of previously grown old grass existing on your designated lawn before planting your empire grass. This promotes achieving a uniform lawn with the empire grass providing an attractive turf.


In as much as empire grass is praised for its admirable quality of being pest resistant, it is advised to perform preemptive treatment against pests that may creep into your lawn. Check in particular for billbugs, webworms and armyworms that may infest the sod. 


An empire lawn needs to be flooded with water, especially in the first four weeks before the first mow. This initial irrigation of the lawn will enable the lawn to retain its dark green colour during the harsh weather conditions in summer and winter. After it takes root, empire grass needs only to be watered when it shows signs of drying. 

Empire grass suppliers provide you with not only the sod for planting your empire grass but also the knowledge you need in soil preparation, irrigation and maintenance of your lawn. Due to the slow upward growth of the empire grass, you will find it easy to maintain the lawn as you will not be required to frequently mow it. For you to have an enjoyable and easy time maintaining your lawn then, it is important to consider the soil, water retention and cleanliness of the empire grass.
