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Why You Need a Customs Broker

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A customs broker can be employed when you are importing or exporting goods. Customs brokers have knowledge of current rules and regulations for international trade. They assist in the smooth running of importation and exportation through customs processes. You may wish to employ a customs broker if you do not have much knowledge regarding importation and exportation, or if you do not have the time to manage the roles required in importing and exporting goods.

Customs broker services

Customs brokers carry out a range of tasks. They examine the classification and valuation of your items to ensure that you are using the correct commodity codes. They communicate with customs authorities and government agencies for your business. They provide advice regarding licenses that are required for the importation of goods that are restricted or hazardous. They create and submit documents for customs processes. They also assist in arranging payment of the correct import duties and taxes.

The benefits of using a customs broker

A customs broker has experience and knowledge in international trade so by using a customs broker, you will know that everything has been carried out according to current regulations and legal requirements. This means that you do not need to educate yourself in this area or employ another person in your company. You also do not need to worry about missing a procedure or doing a task incorrectly.

Another advantage is that as a customs broker communicates with government agencies and officials for you, you only need to work with the broker. This saves you time to manage other areas of your business. Additionally, a customs broker can ensure that you pay the correct tax and duty fees. This means that you will not pay too much or not pay enough. If you do not pay enough, you will then be fined, and your goods will be held until the correct amount is paid.

All customs brokers are licensed so you will know that the customs broker you are employing has the relevant skills and experience.

The disadvantages of using a customs broker

A disadvantage of using a customs broker is that it is likely to be more expensive than if you were to deal with the entire process yourself. Another disadvantage is that you hand over control of your shipment to the customs broker, meaning that you have little control in the process. This requires a level of trust with your customs brokerage services.
