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Keeping It Clean: How to Maintain Hygiene in Site Portaloos

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Portaloos are designed to be completely clean and hygienic. They're well-contained, they store waste securely, and they are an all-in-one bathroom solution when you have no access to running water. In short, they're an ideal solution, but they do depend on their users to take good care of them. If you're counting on portaloo hire for your construction site, it's very easy to ensure that's happening, and keep them pleasant to use. Here's how.

Start Out Right

Your portaloos should be set up on a nice flat surface so that they're easy for users to access and use. If necessary, flatten out the area you've set up for them with gravel or silt before they're placed. That way, they'll have a solid foundation.

Inspect Regularly

It should be somebody's job to check that the toilets are in good order at least once a day — preferably more often. Not only should you set a schedule and stick to it, but you should also make sure that everybody knows it. For example, you could stick a copy of the schedule on the door of the portaloo. That way, users know that they're being taken care of, and will be encouraged to take care of them too.

Stock Them Up

If your toilets are poorly stocked, it may give the impression that they're not cared for, even with the aforementioned inspection cycle. As such, you should make it part of the inspections process to ensure that each cubicle has enough hand soap and toilet paper.

Hire Enough Portaloos

It's easy to run into problems when there are a shortage of portaloos, as users feel rushed inside them; they're much likelier to leave splashed water and tissue paper in their wake. On construction sites it is recommended to hire toilets at a ratio of one per seven workers. If you stick to this rule, there should be more than enough, and they're much likelier to be kept clean and tidy.

Set a Schedule for Emptying

Portaloos can go up to a week before they need to be emptied. If you prefer, you can empty them more frequently to make extra certain that there are no odor issues from the tanks — but this should not be necessary. However often you choose to empty them, set a schedule and stick to it.

If these guidelines are stuck to, you should end up with a clean set of site toilets which are perfectly pleasant to use.
