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Fire Protection Products Every Tiny Home Should Have

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When you build a tiny home, you may think about fire protection on a basic level. Usually you think about getting the fire extinguisher and placing it in the kitchen or main part of the home. This isn't where your fire protection should stop. There are fire protection products your tiny home should have to protect you when you are unable to reach the fire extinguisher or if the fire extinguisher isn't enough. Here are three fire protection products every tiny home should have.

Dry Sprinklers

The last thing you probably want in your tiny home is the potential for water damage. This is especially true when you are already dealing with combating a fire. One way you can combat a possible fire in your tiny home while avoiding water damage is to use dry sprinklers. Dry sprinklers use pressurized nitrogen or air. When there is a fire, the sprinklers activate just like traditional water based sprinklers. The air or the nitrogen shoots out onto the fire and puts it out with causing water damage to your home or items.

Chemical Powder

Chemical powders are available from most fire protection product producers. These chemical powders can be kept in small buckets in different areas of your tiny home. When a fire breaks out, you can take the powder and throw it on the fire. It will extinguish the fire and help contain it easily. The benefit to the powders is the ability to keep them in small airtight containers and store them in your sleeping loft, bathroom, kitchen and front room. This gives you fire protection products in all areas of your home without taking up too much room.

Fire Monitors

You may think that fire monitors and alarm systems only go off when a fire occurs. Though this is the most common type of fire protection product, there are others on the market now. One of the options is a fire monitor that will alert you to drastic increases in the heat in certain rooms. This sudden rise in temperature can be a red flag that a fire is about to occur. These monitors can alert you before the fire happens and allow you time to stop it before it starts.

These are only three of the fire products your tiny home should have. Depending on the type of heating units you are using and the fire issues you may be exposed to, you may want to expand your fire protection products. If that is the case, contact your local hardware or fire safety store for more products and options that will work with your tiny home design.
