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3 Reasons to Use a Recycling Skip Bin to Teach an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

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If you operate a private school or are a part of a homeschool co-op, then you may be looking for ways to teach certain topics in a small group setting. This type of teaching allows you to teach the same concept to multiple students regardless of age or grade level. One concept that you may be considering is teaching about eco-friendly lifestyles and choices such as recycling. Here are three reasons you should consider hiring a recycling skip bin to help with this endeavor.

Separation of Recycling

One of the key aspects of a recycling skip bin is how it separates off the different recycling items. For example, you will have a portion of the bin devoted to plastics, while other portions are devoted to glass, paper, and rubber. By separating the recycling like this, children can learn to separate their own recycling. They can also learn what to look for and what can and can't be put in the bin. For example, you can teach them lessons about how certain products such as tea bags aren't considered paper by some recycling companies because they have plastic included in the tea bag itself.

Reducing Recycling

You may not think of reducing the recycling as begin a lesson that can go hand in hand with the eco-friendly lifestyle. The truth is, when the children start to see what can be recycled, you can lead into how it is recycled. This lesson can lead to the items they can recycle on their own. That lesson can lead to the lesson of reduced waste. For example, as your students use the skip bin and see how the recycling is separated, they can see that certain items, like paper, can be used in other ways.

They can then learn that paper can be used in compost bins to help create gardening soil. They can start that process by purchasing items that are encased in biodegradable cardboard. This reduces waste, builds compost for healthy gardening, and reduces the amount going to recycling as well.

Skip Bin Replacement

A final lesson that the children can learn from recycling skip bins is how they are emptied, where they are emptied and how the items get stored are further sorted at the facilities. This lets them see the process from waste to recycling in a simple to understand visual way.

If you are ready to get started on your eco-friendly teaching project for your small group of students, contact your local skip bin hire company. They can get you the appropriate size recycling skip bin, delivery it and pick it up when you are done. They can also offer options for long-term recycling skip bin hire if you decide to continue the project.
