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Pros of a Smartphone Connected Tilt Garage Door Opener

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Upgrading your garage door opener means looking at options like smart connected technology. If you have never used a smart connected option for a garage door opener, then you may have a bit of a learning curve. You might also wonder if the extra cost of a smartphone tilt garage door opener is worth it. Here are a few of the pros to consider about this type of garage door opener and what you should know about each pro.

One Device for Everything

One of the biggest pros to a smartphone connected tilt garage door opener is the ability to use one device for all the related garage door tasks. You may only think about being able to open your garage door from your smartphone. The truth is, you can open the garage door as well as set a timer that is synced to when you normally arrive home. You can set a security feature for your garage door from your smartphone. You can also, with certain styles of smartphone connected door openers, access a camera setting to let you view the area from anywhere through your smartphone app.

Security Benefits

Depending on the style of smartphone connected tilt garage door opener you choose, you can get added safety and security features. This is a huge benefit and pro to people who may want to integrate the ability to check on their home while away on business, for long work days, or on vacation. For example, your smartphone garage door opener will come with an app. This app will allow you to use camera software to check your home and the area around your garage door. Your garage door opener can alert you to an attempt to open the door or break into the door as well.

Troubleshooting Benefits

Some of the smartphone connected garage door openers will allow you to run troubleshooting if your garage door is not opening properly. This troubleshooting portion of the app will check for issues such as something blocking the lens or mechanical problems with the garage door itself. Though it will not fix the issue, it can lead you to where the issue is and help you to take the proper steps to fix it or have the issue professionally fixed.

These are only a few of the pros with upgrading to a smartphone connected tilt garage door opener. If you are ready to make the upgrade, contact your local hardware or home improvement store that carries garage door accessories and systems. Also, check with the store to see if they offer an installation option for the tilt garage door opener you choose.
