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Scaffolding Risks to Be Aware Of During the Winter Season

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The winter season can present severe weather conditions that make certain projects difficult and dangerous. One such project is a construction project that involves the use of scaffolds. Scaffolds are structures that are used to provide access and support while working at height. They are vital structures in the construction industry and are incredibly useful in simplifying projects. However, using them during the winter can present a lot of risks and hazards. As a construction project manager, it is essential to be aware of the following inherent scaffolding risks during the winter so that you can improve the safety of your workers.

Inclement weather

There are times during winter when the weather is quite friendly and suitable for outdoor activities. However, on some days, there may be a lot of snow, rain or even a storm that makes scaffolding works difficult and dangerous. Be on the lookout for inclement weather when using domestic scaffolding on your site. If possible, it would be a good idea to check the weather forecast for the days that you will be constructing your building during this season. Avoid working on days when the weather is not friendly. Using scaffolds when there is rain, snow or a storm can increase the chances of falling off the structure. If this happens, workers can easily get severe injuries or even die as a result. It would be best to halt the project instead of dealing with fatalities on your site.

Slip-and-fall accidents

Slip-and-fall accidents are a primary hazard when working with scaffolds. However, the risk is even higher during the winter due to the inclement weather. Scaffolds that have been left on the building overnight may get wet, and this increases the chances of users slipping when climbing on them. You can avoid this by ensuring that workers are equipped with personal protective equipment such as harnesses to prevent slip-and-fall accidents. Also, make sure they have gloves and shoes that allow a firm grip on the scaffold steps. Train your workers on the hazards so that they can avoid using scaffolds without the necessary safety gear.

Poor visibility

Visibility problems due to fog and mist are common during the winter. They make it hard for workers to see where they are setting up the scaffolds and whether they are doing it correctly. Also, they can make someone miss their step and fall off the structure. Avoid this by ensuring that you only set up scaffolds when the weather is clear. If you have to work at night, make use of lighting fixtures to illuminate the site and allow proper visibility.

Follow these tips to avoid scaffolding risks on your site and promote a safe working environment for your workers.
